
Clean Your Room

Required items: a sheet/tarp hanging to divide the room, about cub head height, and a pile of clothing or other soft items.

Divide the kids in to two teams, one of either side of the divide. Randomly throw half the clothing on either team floor. The aim is to get your "room" clean by throwing items over the wall into the other team's room. Each kid can only pick up and throw ONE item at a time. Winners are the first to get their room clean.

Captain's Coming

All kids line up in front of the leader who calls terminology for their actions, as follows...
Captains coming - all run back to the centerline and salute to the Leader calling out 'Aye Aye Cap'ain' (Scout salute of course)

  • Port , Starboard, Bow and Stern - all kids run to the relevant place relative to the leader, who is at the Bow.

  • Scrub the deck - onto hands and knees and make scrubbing motion.

  • Cannon Ball - duck down to avoid the shot.

  • Submarine - lie on back with one leg up as a periscope.

  • Stormy waters - wave and sway with the 'effect' of rough seas.

  • Climb the rigging - make motions of climbing a ladder.

  • Crows nest - on the lookout, with Telescope or hand over eyebrows.